sábado, 2 de agosto de 2008

Paginas Para Promocionar Tus Servicios

Aprender HTML es un proceso que lleva un poco de tiempo, por eso existen servicio en internet que te permiten tener una página Personal con pocos o nada de conocimiento acerca de html, por ejemplo puedes crear un Blog en blogger de Google y así tener tus servicios o productos en Internet, todos tus clientes conocerán acerca de lo que tu ofreces. Esto lo realizaras con unos sencillos pasos y además de una manera super sencilla porque los asistentes de Blog son muy amigables y te llevan paso por paso, tu puedes puedes publicitar por ejemplo una escuelas Escuelas Durango

Utiliza una Pagina Web P

miércoles, 30 de julio de 2008

the true about the indexation in google

When you read in the internet how do you can do for index your page in google? you think is to very hard work and you have the reason.

But there are techniques that we can implement to make this task much easier.

For example you can read html codes SEO tutorial for your site content be the best.

Continues the following to your site is indexed:
- your site must have good content.
- your site must be linked by other web sites with high page rank.
- promote its web with webmasters for link to your web or the web directories to generate backlinks.
- if you get a link on a page that is indexed in google continually, you will appear very fast in google.

Don´t foget wath to read
html codes for myspace

domingo, 27 de julio de 2008

Nuevo blog de prueba


Esta es una entrada de prueba para mi blog para ver si se indexa
en google blogspot y si se indexa es que tiene que ser optimizado o distribuido cada 100 o cada 200 palabras.

jueves, 24 de julio de 2008

htmls-tags-2- All About on Include Pictures to Your Page

html tags

see: html codes

The use of images is one factor that has both popularized the World Wide Web. Include pictures in a Web presentation is very simple, should only take into account that the images must have the GIF, JPEG or PNG. The images online are specified from the tag that does not have a corresponding closing tag but may be accompanied by the following attributes:

Src = This attribute is mandatory and indicates the name of image file (in quotes) or URL to be represented.

Align # = Allows control the alignment of an image with regard to an adjacent line of text or other images in this direction. The three possible values are already known left, right, top, middle and bottom.

# = Alt is the alternative that was established when there were still displays only text. Among quotes we can write a text that would supplant this image if it does not charge or while loading or when, already displaying the image, we can move the mouse over.

WIDTH = # This attribute is optional but it is advisable to help bring the browser to represent the image, it means the width of the image that we are going to represent.

HEIGHT = # Like the WIDTH attribute is optional and recommended put, this means the top of the picture.

Border = edge specify the width of a rim that surrounds the image.

IMG SRC="/graphics/baby1.jpg" WIDTH=140 HEIGHT=210 BORDER=0 ALT="Baby"› .

Also See: html tags

htmls-tags-1- Some Tags For Your Page

Visit: html codes

!-- This is for Coments !-- This is a comentary--
a This is for links in my Page or out of my page /aa href="http://www.google.com/" Text for Appear /a
b This is for Bold Text Example: /b This is in Bold
big This is For Big Text big Big Text /big
br› Line Break Example: My Firs text br›Second Text After the break.

Also see: html color codes

html-codes- The Best For Myspace

How to Paste HTML codes of this blog in mycode

Visit html color codes

Only you have to copy the selected code and when you did open your notepad on this moment paste the code in your document. When the code is in your notepad document you will have to save, but you will observe the default extension. The default extension is txt, but you will change for all files and then you will save the file with your name file and html extension, for example mypage.html.

Also See: html codes